Three years ago, the world lost an incredible man, my grandfather Glen Stevenson. My grandfather was taken from his loving family and wife way to soon at the young age of 74, and very unexpectedly. He still had so much to offer the world and his family. I'm just grateful my husband got to meet the loving, sarcastic and knowledgeable man that he was. Grandpa always shared his great stories from his years in the Air Force, and his travels during that time. He was a man full of wisdom and could make anyone laugh.
Losing my grandfather was undoubtedly hard, especially since it was the first death I had experienced in my immediate family. At first I thought it would have been so much easier to deal with if he was sick, then we would have expected it. But, I truly don't think loss of a loved one could ever be categorized as easy. Coming upon the three year anniversary that my sweet grandfather left us, I found it as a time to reflect on life, family and of course him. Immediately following his death I kind of closed up and avoided conversations about him as to try and save myself from tears and heartache. As the years have passed the pain isn't less, but I have learned how to deal with it a bit better and am not as embarrassed now by my emotions as I was then. Loss is essentially apart of life, and it's better to reminisce about the people we miss then to avoid it all together. I think these lesson's in life try and teach us to enjoy each day and to never take our loved one's for granted.
Grandpa, I miss you terribly and think of your every day!
