
...here's to a new year...

Well, it's safe to say I haven't been very good at keeping up with blogging the last few months, so I figured what better time to re-start blogging then now?! 

2011 has been an exciting year for Mikis and I full of change and exciting opportunities. Reflecting on the past year makes me realize everything that I am thankful for, and the amazing opportunities we have been blessed with. Here's just a quick list of what made 2011 so great!

-Celebrating our first wedding anniversary
-The opening of a new venture, El Hefe
-Amazing friends old and new that made for many memorable nights
-Following my dreams, and starting a new endeavor as a wedding planner. This wouldn't be possible without my amazingly supportive husband that I am SO thankful for!
-Purchasing of a new house, and new project
-One of our close friends engagements
-Seeing my beloved brothers turn 16 and grow into amazing men
-Spending Thanksgiving with both of our families

Here's to a new year full of many possibilites! I hope in 2012 your able to recognize and achieve your dreams!

[photo via]



Anonymous said...

yay. the blog is back! happy nye. loved your holiday photo card. xo

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